About Us

My name is Amy, my husband is Mike, and our wonderful children are Lan and Kayden.

Before we had children, Mike and I traveled a lot together.  We drove a camper van to Mexico (twice), Guatemala, Belize, America, and across Canada.  Then we took almost 10 months for our honeymoon backpacking around South East Asia.  It was on our honeymoon, with plans of little ones in the near future, that we decided we wanted to set up a lifestyle where we would travel the world with our family.  For the last six years we have been working towards the goal of picking up and leaving the familiar and comfortable life we have in Canada for a life of adventure in the wide world.

This blog is to chronicle our Worldschool Adventures, traveling slowly throughout Asia while we unschool our two boys.  Our plan is to travel for at least two years, settling down for a few months at a time in the places we love.  We have no set itinerary, just a general idea of countries we want to visit.

Amy is the writer of this blog, mother extraordinaire, and passionate traveler.  She loves noodles for breakfast, make-you-think books, going against the grain, and making silly faces.  She is a stay-at-home homeschooling mommy who is trying to find that precarious balance of being a good mom without losing herself in the process.

Mike is the kind of guy who can always make you laugh.  His witty, off-beat humor will always give your stomach muscles a work out.  He is a Journeyman Carpenter by trade and loves to build things with his own two hands.  He is also an amazingly talented artist and hopes this trip will give him the spare time he needs to explore his art.

Lan is an amazingly bright and spirited boy.  He loves to learn about the world, natural disasters, dinosaurs, space, and most importantly Star Wars.  He loves building amazing and imaginative things out of Lego and he loves all things spooky!

Kayden loves anything to do with sports.  He is the type of boy who longs to be in the great outdoors.  He is also our little ‘Dennis the Mennis’ and performs amazing acts of dare devil bravery that sets our hearts racing.  He will climb anything and everything without fear of falling (or of mommy completely freaking out!)

  1. Amy, what can I say. Your words are inspiring and there is nothing more a mother and grandmother could ever want in this world than to know there is YOU, taking care of my child, Mike, and my grandchildren Lan and Kayden. You are a gift from the heavens! You are also a soul of the earth, and with your example and determination the earth can only get better. Thank you Amy for you! All our love and appreciation, Cindy

  2. Dear Amy and Mike and family and of course also dear Cindy great mother-in-law (you are such a nice mother-in-law, Amy and Mike, you are so lucky) !!!!
    We received your email and read your entries on your blog and we can feel the excitement and spark that you have about this world. It’s refreshing and we wish you good luck! You are right, there are others out there like you and other families like you, so concentrate on being you, doing good, being a good example and inspiration to others and don’t worry about your brother not putting his recycling in the recycling bin. One day he will… some people just need time. We cannot force our lifestyle onto others as well as we don’t want their lifestyle. There is no right and wrong.
    Anyway, we like your lifestyle very much and we are similar to you: wear lots of second hand clothes, have no tv, no car, are vegetarians, travel very slowly, try to avoid planes, even use the mooncup (during my time of the month…). We recently had a lot of thoughts about leaving, traveling, living a life on the road and the price we pay for this. I put our thoughts about it on our website if you like to read them… you are of course welcome. We believe that travelling should not be for recreation, but for doing something good in this world.
    I will be happy to follow your travels and hope that our paths will cross one day. We will be leaving China in January and we’ll be off traveling again ourselves. We are not sure where yet, this can be decided last minute. Where ever life will take us…
    I will also be interested to read about your unschooling. Our home-schooling is going all right, but it’s neither great, nor bad. Our boys are very average learners – just normal kids – and we had to make our home-school into a “real” school with set times, schedules, rules etc. otherwise it would have never worked for us. Our boys would have simply ended up playing all day and times tables and essays etc. simply don’t just fall into their brains whilst playing lego… I suppose all parents/children are different. I will be interested to read about your experiences in that matter.
    Thank you for sharing and enjoy your travel preparations and good luck for selling the house!
    Nadine and family

  3. Amy,
    Just ran across your blog. Looks like a fun trip you have planned. We’ve recently returned (dad, mom, 14 yr old boy, 13 yr old girl) from a year away (6 months in S.America and 6 months in Mediterranean). I like your perspective on homeschooling/unschooling/worldschooling and your kids are going to learn tons.
    I will enjoy following your family travels.


    • Glad you found us Jason! Your trip sounds amazing! If you have any comments or perspectives on any of our posts, please feel free to leave them for us. I’m sure you would have unique insights and tips for us from your own experiences. 🙂

  4. hi amy
    where are you guys from in B.C.?? i’m canadian too, from the vancouver area, but have been living in AUS. nice to ‘meet’ you!

  5. Dear Amy
    Thank you for your great website and your awesome list of other travelling families – will keep me glued to the computer forever! We also spent a year travelling with our 8 year old twin boys (that’s what I call having kids as close in age as possible in order to get back to globetrotting as fast as possible 🙂 ). I am very interested in your unschooling approach. So far I tend to see it with Nadine: we had to keep our boys’ schooling fairly formalized, otherwise they would have played all day. Which also did them an enormous amount of good as well as all the other incredible experiences on the way. However, our intention was from the beginning to spend just a year abroad and then go back to Switzerland and the normal school. So it is really like Nadine says: there are as many options and possibilities as there are long-term travelling families. I will be following your adventures. Take care. Karin

    • Karin, thank you for your comment! I don’t think that unschooling is for everyone, there needs to be a level of comfort with it for the parents as well as a huge amount of trust. We are lucky in the fact that our children have never been in the “system” and we are really starting our unschooling journey with a fresh slate. We also don’t plan on returning them to regular school once our trip is over (at least not at this point). I have been so amazed at the learning I have witnessed in our first year that I truly believe that unschooling will be our path for the foreseeable future. I have received a lot of interest from my readers on our unschooling approach and I plan on doing more posts about it soon. 🙂 Regardless of how one chooses to school however, I think that travel is the best education a parent could ever offer their children.

  6. Hi there. When do you plan to be in Kuala Lumpur?

    • I really couldn’t tell you, we are very loose with out plans and our plan is to really not have much of a plan! I checked out your website! Fabulous! Hope we can meet up one day and share travel stories!

  7. Great blog and great vision! I also plan on taking my daughter to see the world (leaving summer, 2012). I was struck by the first couple of comments attached to this post- such positivity from your family! Best wishes.

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